#FallBikeWeek Recap
“Loving the autumn weather - and the ease of getting where I need to go on my own power!”
We were thrilled to read all the comments of people who participated in our inaugural Fall Bike Week and were happy that it inspired many people to get on their bikes and ride!
Throughout the week we had 65 people pledge or log 188 bike trips including biking to work or school, biking to shop, biking with a friend and biking for fun. The bike to work/ school/ fake commute challenge logged 399km of bike riding!
“I love learning about the parts of my bike and learning how to diagnose problems. ”
We had 43 people attend to their bike by cleaning it, pumping their tires or some more sophisticated maintenance.
We also got to celebrate the week through prizes donated by some local bike shops and the City of London. A big thanks to First Cycleworks, To Wheels and Spoke n Sprocket for your donations! We were able to give out prizes to 27 different people!
Thanks to everyone who participated and logged your activity!