London North Centre
The candidates in London North Centre are (in alphabetical order by last name):
Tommy Caldwell, New Blue
Carol Dyck, Green
Kate Graham, Liberal
Darrel Grant, Ontario
Terrence Kernaghan, NDP
George LeMac, Freedom
Jerry Pribil, PC
We’ve received the following responses from London North Centre candidates:
Tommy Caldwell, New Blue
1. What do you see as the most urgent cycling infrastructure needs in your riding?
Access for alternative modes of transportation needs to be interconnected throughout the entire city, rather than sparsely placed in concentrated areas.
A version of this question actually came up in our recent debate. They asked about Public Transit and I spoke primarily about the need for creating better access for people who want to use the roads without cars. You can see my answer here
2. Does your party support the creation of an Ontario Vision Zero plan?
I don't think the party has an official stance, but I can tell you personally that I'm quite concerned about cyclists on our roads.
3. There are financial incentives for buying electric cars. Would you support incentives for e-bikes as well?
I would support financial incentives for bikes OVER electric cars. Bikes also speak to enforcing physical activity, and the environmental cost and demand of building a bike is exponentially less than a car battery.
4. Do you ride a bike or use other forms of active transportation? Have you had any personal experiences that have informed your views on cycling in our community?
I do ride my road bike on occasion. I'm rural, so it's always tricky getting out on the road.
5. Would you support mandatory cycling education in schools?
No. Not because I don't agree with the sentiment, but because I'm not for most things being mandatory in schools. I would support bike programs, but making them mandatory in schools is less viable.
Carol Dyck, Green
1. What do you see as the most urgent cycling infrastructure needs in your riding?
Safety is key in London North Centre. If we are going to get more people to leave their cars at home, we need to address safety, first and foremost. I would like to see more protected bike lanes, separate and distant from cars. Many areas of LNC are simply not safe, Fanshawe road being one of them. I would also like to see roads closed to car traffic, or bike-only areas. People could get where they need to go much more quickly and safely, and it would be more pleasant without the exposure to car exhaust.
2. Does your party support the creation of an Ontario Vision Zero plan?
Yes, our platform supports Vision Zero.
3. There are financial incentives for buying electric cars. Would you support incentives for e-bikes as well?
Yes, our platform offers $1000 rebates for e-bikes.
4. Do you ride a bike or use other forms of active transportation? Have you had any personal experiences that have informed your views on cycling in our community?
Yes, my husband and I walk or bike to the university for work/study. I have had experience living in European cities where bike use is much more prevalent than in North American cities. I felt much more safe biking around Berlin, a city of over 4 million than I do in London. When I lived in California, I biked to university every day; the town I lived in promoted both safe and enjoyable cycling. If the province would partner with municipalities, like London, we could see massive investments in safe cycling infrastructure. Once in place, we would certainly see a massive increase in ridership, which would benefit everyone.
5. Would you support mandatory cycling education in schools?
Yes, absolutely.
Kate Graham, Liberal
1. What do you see as the most urgent cycling infrastructure needs in your riding?
From my perspective, the most urgent cycling infrastructure need in London North Centre is protected bike lanes. The Ontario Liberal Party plan includes providing communities with $100 million annually to build separated bike lanes and cycling trails, expand bike sharing and rental services and secure bike parking.
We’ll also make it safer for cyclists and pedestrians to get around and set a goal to achieve zero fatalities or serious road injuries. We’ll do this by supporting common-sense road designs that improve safety and reduce collisions, and we’ll increase penalties for driving offences that result in fatalities or serious injuries.
2. Does your party support the creation of an Ontario Vision Zero plan?
The Ontario Liberal Party supports the creation of an Ontario Vision Zero plan.
3. There are financial incentives for buying electric cars. Would you support incentives for e-bikes as well?
We want people to get around in active ways that don’t pollute. To complement our electric vehicle rebates, the Ontario Liberal Party will provide a 30% rebate for new electric bikes, mopeds or motorcycles up to $500.
4. Do you ride a bike or use other forms of active transportation? Have you had any personal experiences that have informed your views on cycling in our community?
I’m a regular cyclist and transit user. Having a baby has changed my perspective about cycling. With a little one on the bike with me, it makes me extra cautious and more aware of how unsafe our roads can be.
5. Would you support mandatory cycling education in schools?
I am definitely supportive of teaching kids about cycling early in life.