June 1 (Thurs.)
Big Bike Giveaway
What: register for a free bike
Who: Big Bike Giveaway
Where: online
When: June 1-11
June 3 (SAT.)
World bicycle day
Village Ride to Gathering on the Green
What: A fun, family bicycle ride through Wortley Village, ending at Gathering on the Green.
Who: Big Bike Giveaway
Where: Wortley Green / YMCA
When: 9:45 meet to decorate your bike; 10:00 ride starts
Gathering on the Green
What: A free, fun day of activities and entertainment in Wortley Village, with bike valet
Who: OSCO (whole event); Big Bike Giveaway (bike valet) and more
Where: YMCA in Wortley Village (the Green)
When: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Forest City Slow Roll
What: celebratory 10km bike parade through downtown
Who: London Cycle Link
Where: start and end on Dundas Place
When: check-in from 4pm; ride 5-6pm
June 4 (sun.)
Forest City Cycling Challenge
What: Charity bike ride in support of mental health care at St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation
Who: Forest City Cycling Challenge
Where: Start and finish at Boler Mountain
When: Various, depending on distance
June 5 (Mon.)
CAN-Bike 1: Learn To Ride
What: Basic bike handling skills, for all ages and who have never ridden a bicycle
Who: CAN-Bike London
Where: email info@canbikelondon.ca for info
When: 6-8pm
June 6-11 (TUES.)
Pedal Poll
What: Nationwide bike count
Who: Vélo Canada Bikes, supported locally by London Cycle Link
Where: Volunteer will be counting in various locations
When: various
June 7 (Wed.)
CAN-Bike 1: Learn To Ride
What: Basic bike handling skills, for all ages and who have never ridden a bicycle
Who: CAN-Bike London
Where: email info@canbikelondon.ca for info
When: 6-8pm
June 10 (Sat.)
London Bicycle Cafe’s Grand Opening
What: A celebration of everyday cycling at the grand opening of LBC’s new space on the riverfront
Who: London Bicycle Cafe
Where: 320 Thames Street
When: 8am-5pm
Coffee Outside
What: Coffee, outside
Who: Orange Wheel Bicycle Clib
Where: Ivey Park
When: 8:30am
Pedal Poll
What: Nationwide bike count
Who: Vélo Canada Bikes, supported locally by London Cycle Link
Where: Volunteer will be counting in various locations
When: 12-2pm
June 11 (Sun.)
Forest City Bike Polo
What: Bike polo
Who: Forest City Bike Polo
Where: King’s College court
When: 1:00 p.m.
The Blessings of the Bicycles POSTPONED TO JUNE 25
What: Blessing, followed by community bike ride
Who: St. Aidan’s Anglican Church
Where: 1085 Commissioners Rd W
When: 2:30 p.m.
Workshop: Introduction to Randonneuring POSTPONED TO JULY 9
What: Randonneuring is non-competitive, self-sufficient, long-distance endurance cycling.
Who: Squeaky Wheel Bike Co-op
Where: 740 Dundas Street
When: 2-4:00 p.m.
June 12 (MON.)
CAN-Bike 1: Learn To Ride
What: Basic bike handling skills, for all ages and who have never ridden a bicycle
Who: CAN-Bike London
Where: email info@canbikelondon.ca for info
When: 6-8pm
June 13 (TUES.)
WOW (Women On Wheels) Open House
What: Sanctioned midweek women’s road rides/training will be starting in June
Who: London Cycling Club
Where: TBD (TO RSVP, email your name and phone # to info@londoncyclingclub.com and express your interest in joining WOW.)
When: 7:30pm
June 14 (wed.)
Bicycle Day at Urban Roots
What: Bicycle Day at Urban Roots
Who: Urban Roots
Where: 21 Norlan Ave
When: 4-7pm
CAN-Bike 1: Learn To Ride
What: Basic bike handling skills, for all ages and who have never ridden a bicycle
Who: CAN-Bike London
Where: email info@canbikelondon.ca for info
When: 6-8pm
June 18 (sun.)
Workshop: Bike Trips with Kids: The Port Stanley Ride - POSTPONED (new date TBA)
What: A family talks about their tips and tricks for a long distance cycle outing
Who: Squeaky Wheel Bike Co-op
Where: 740 Dundas Street
When: 2-4:00 p.m.
Bikes for Migrants Repair BBQ
What: Bicycle service: bring tools and equipment to help repair bikes for migrant workers
Who: St. Aidan’s Anglican Church
Where: 1246 Oxford St W (parking lot)
When: 1-4:00 p.m.
June 19 (Mon.)
CAN-Bike 1: Learn To Ride
What: Basic bike handling skills, for all ages and who have never ridden a bicycle
Who: CAN-Bike London
Where: email info@canbikelondon.ca for info
When: 6-8pm
June 21 (WED.)
CAN-Bike 2: Cycling Basics
What: This course is for individuals who are comfortable on a bicycle, who have learned and demonstrated the basic skills, and/or graduated from the Level 1 instruction.
Who: CAN-Bike London
Where: email info@canbikelondon.ca for info
When: 6-8pm
June 23 (fri.)
Building Extraordinary Cities for Ordinary Cyclists
What: "Dinner & Bike Talk," exploring the ways we can build an extraordinary city for ordinary cyclists
Who: London Bicycle Cafe
Where: London Bicycle Cafe, 320 Thames Street
When: 5-8pm
June 24 (sat.)
Argyle Bike Rodeo
What: A bike rodeo, info and family bike ride on the new Brydges/Wavell bike lanes
Who: City of London, London Cycle Link, Councillor Shawn Lewis
Where: East Lions Community Centre
When: 1-4pm
June 25 (sun.)
Urban Ag-Cycle Tour
What: a cycling tour of urban agriculture sites
Who: Friends of Urban Agriclture London, Urban Roots London, London Cycle Link, with The Urban Agvocate
Where: Meet at Urban Roots London (21 Norlan Avenue)
When: 9:30am sign in; 10:00am depart
WTF Repair Workshop
What: Bike repair night for women, trans, non-binary and queer folks
Who: Squeaky Wheel Bike Co-op
Where: 740 Dundas Street
When: 1-3 p.m.
The Blessings of the Bicycles
What: Bike blessing, followed by community bike ride
Who: St. Aidan’s Anglican Church
Where: 1085 Commissioners Rd W
When: 2:00 p.m.